PinnedCodeIgniter 4 — Step 1: Let’s make ourselves some Docker containers — AvenirerHello, people. Long time, no tutorial…Oct 12, 20201Oct 12, 20201
The Credo Method — Building Better Behaviors Through Personal Belief Statements (6)6. The Science Behind the Credo MethodFeb 27Feb 27
The Credo Method — Building Better Behaviors Through Personal Belief Statements (5)5. The Personal Development Books and the Credos they hideFeb 21Feb 21
The Credo Method — Building Better Behaviors Through Personal Belief Statements (4)4. How Should the Credo BeFeb 21Feb 21
The Credo Method — Building Better Behaviors Through Personal Belief Statements (3)3. The Credo MethodFeb 12Feb 12
The Credo Method — Building Better Behaviors Through Personal Belief Statements (2)Creeds, Credos, Prayers, and Mantras — Understanding Their Power and PurposeFeb 12Feb 12
The Credo Method — Building Better Behaviors Through Personal Belief Statements (1)1. Introduction — The Power of a Personal CredoFeb 12Feb 12
Laravel 11: using PHP’s 8 Enumerations (Enums) for database migrations, seeding, etc.Enums are a great addition to PHP ecosystem. Now, we can use them in Laravel for faster development.Jul 10, 2024Jul 10, 2024
Enums in PHP 8Enumerations or “Enums” allow us to define a new type of data with a finite number of possible values (as an example, the boolean values…Jan 17, 2024Jan 17, 2024
Enums în PHP 8Enumerările sau “Enums” ne permit să definim un nou tip de date cu un număr finit de valori posibile (de exemplu valorile boolean sunt de…Jan 17, 2024Jan 17, 2024